Saturday, January 22, 2011

Updated planning

Just wanted to post the (slightly) more detailed schedule I promised on monday.

I will be doing some writing on my thesis for the next few weeks,
albeit that I will have very limited time due to some exams I need to
study for. My goal is to have about 30 pages (medium quality) by the
first week of next semester (which starts on Feb 14th). I also want to
continue improving the prototype; possibly already adding some of the
ideas I have concerning price discovery.

In order to spread the actual writing work for my thesis, I'm going to
try to write about 5-10 pages each week during next semester (which is
a pretty strict planning, I think). I believe doing this will increase
the quality of the thesis.

I might be some time before I update the blog again because of the
afore mentioned exams.

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