Monday, January 17, 2011

Evaluation of my personal planning

Being 2 weeks after I made my planning, it is time to evaluate how I have done.
I've been able to write about 16 pages for my actual thesis. These 16 pages address various topics concerning both general market design as specifics about the market I'm designing. I will not put these online yet, since I feel that it needs some additional polishing first.
I've also managed to work a bit on the prototype, but have not been able to add any significant new features.
I did spend quite some time on thinking and brainstorming about price discovery mechanisms for the market design I'm proposing. A concise summary of the ideas originating from this can be found in a small document I made. I'm having a meeting with my promotor about this tomorrow afternoon.

Although that I didn't manage to reach the goals I set up before 2 weeks again, I do think that I did rather well considering the fact that I had some important issues in my private life that needed to be taken care of.

The next few weeks, I won't be having much time since I will need to study for some upcoming exams. However, I'll try to complete some of the things I mentioned in the planning but didn't do yet. I'll also post a updated schedule for the next weeks in one of the coming days.

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